Joe Ulenburg is a contractor in Hawera, Taranaki. He operates a Nevada 12,800L Tandem Slurry Tanker over 340 acres with 400 cows. For the farm owner, Murray Phillips, the tanker complements his hire business, so as demand increased so did his tanker’s capacity needs. He started with an 8,000 Litre Nevada Tanker and upgraded progressively to his current 12,800 Litre model, making this tanker his 4th Nevada tanker upgrade in over 5 years.
The beauty of the tanker system, Joe said, is that you can cart effluent wherever you want it, the tanker takes only 3-5mins to fill using the Nevada Ezi-load Autofill system, it’s easy to clean, and has decreased the amount of fertiliser needed.
In fact, for years we haven't had to use phosphate or potash on the farm, we only use [Farm Dairy] Effluent.
Joe is effusive in his enthusiasm for the machine, he said that using it means they are able to utilise a by-product they already own. There are no irrigator’s to shift. He doesn’t have to be at effluent management 24/7, he can stop and start when he likes. He doesn’t have to get out of the tractor to fill the tanker, and the tanker is ready to go when he has time available…