Effluent Pond Stirrers: Where Is The Best Place To Stir From?

There’s no doubt about it – a good slurry stirrer will be able to effectively and efficiently get your whole pond thoroughly mixed.  Electric shore mounted stirrers, or PTO stirrers provide the right angle to get the whole pond swirling and keep the sediment from settling at the bottom of the pond, but if you really want to maximise efficiency the placement and positioning of the stirrer is also important.

Where possible, the ideal place to stir from is half way down the length of the longest side of your pond.  With the stirrer pointed perpendicular to the other side of the pond, and approximately half a metre to a metre below the surface, a good stirrer will get the whole pond swirling, and the flow of water will keep everything in suspension.  If your pond has corners, pivoting the stirrer from the same position will bring any dormant effluent into the mix.

If you have the option of placing your stirrer close to the effluent inlet this would be an advantage, but is not critical.  The advantage here is that your stirrer can break up the solids while they are fresh and soft, meaning less work for the stirrer, and less solid build up in this area.

With an electric stirrer, the concrete mounting block needs to be as close as possible to the edge of the pond.  If you have a lined pond the foundation needs to be incorporated in the anchor trench.

Of course every effluent pond is unique, and whether you have a PTO stirrer, or a shore mounted electric stirrer, it’s not always possible or economical to position it in the ideal location. Access can sometimes limit where you can get the tractor in for PTO stirring, and electric stirrers need to be close to the pump and power supply.  The good news is a good stirrer should be able to get the whole pond swirling regardless of your set up.  If you’re unsure, talk to a specialist for advise on the best stirring routine to maximise nutrients in your pond.

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