To get the most value out of Farm Dairy Effluent (FDE), there are several efficient approaches that can help provide the most nutrients to paddocks.

Apply Directly
The first approach is to apply FDE as soon as possible after collection to ensure an optimal amount of nutrients are spread out over paddocks on the farm. When effluent is in storage for an extended amount of time, nutrient loss can naturally occur.
It is important to remember that not all effluent spreaders are the same in terms of nutrient utilisation. When effluent sprays into the air through a fine nozzle sprayer or a pressurised sprayer such as a rain gun, a lot of nutrients are lost in the process. However, the Nevada RainWave™ is designed to spread effluent in heavy droplets that fall through the air without loss through volatisation. The nutrients are then able to fall down into the soil feeding the micro organisms and enhancing growth of your pasture. Applying a heavy drop with a Nevada RainWave™, trailing shoe, or disc injectors is by far the best method of applying effluent to land.
While councils and authorities are measuring for nitrogen during inspections, effluent actually has a high amount of potassium when compared to nitrogen levels. It is most beneficial to spread over a larger area of the farm to get the best use of nutrients out of the effluent, as well as to guarantee there is no potassium build up or issue with high levels of nitrogen in a smaller area.

Soil Building
FDE is packed with nutrients that can significantly improve your soil biology. In particular, lighter soils benefit from effluent collected from barns or feedpads, where higher amounts of solids are being applied.
By spreading DFE across your entire farm, you can reduce or even eliminate the need for synthetic fertilisers.

Cost In Processing
Another important aspect to consider is the cost in processing effluent. If a solid separator is being utilised to separate solids from the liquids, it does not add any value to the effluent itself. It still makes the same product, but with an added cost.
To get the most value out of the FDE, efficiency is the key. A Nevada RainWave™ provides an efficient way to spread effluent and can easily cope with solids without the hassle of a separator. To further enrich your effluent, Nevada recommends stirring your effluent storage regularly to prevent sediment build up, aswell as stirring thoroughly before spreading.
Talk with our team to learn more about how to utilise the best approaches for optimal nutrient application.