Gavin Kay is an equity manager for Peaks Dairy Limited Partnership in North Canterbury, a third year conversion milking 600 cows on 157ha. The farm uses a high level of inputs and has a relatively high stocking rate. The effluent is irrigated onto 48.5ha via an under-slung 90mm line to four gun stations along their main centre pivot. With constant problems of crusting on the effluent pond, after consulting with DairyNZ the decision was made to look at investing in a shore mounted pond stirrer. This would have to have the necessary horizontal thrust to break up the crust. After much research Gavin decided on a Nevada, with the mixing performance of the Typhoon™ high efficiency propellers it would be an ideal choice. He also chose the Propeller protection ring to safeguard the expensive synthetic pond liner. One of the main benefits of the Nevada’s Electric Shore-Mounted Pond Stirrer (EL920) for Gavin is the low maintenance requirements.
Operating the stirrer is very easy, and it does not require a crane to lift it for regular maintenance – saving valuable time and money, something all dairy farmers are keen on. Gavin couldn’t be happier with the decision to use Nevada’s products – the pond now runs clear, seven days a week, after only one hour’s mixing per day.