PTO Pond Stirrer: Marc's Skepticism Was Overturned

When Marc Feather from Feather Holdings rang Nevada for help with stirring their pond, he had good reason to be skeptical.

He had already tried a number of stirrers and none of them worked. After hearing how good Nevada stirrers work, he agreed to buy a Nevada stirrer on the condition it made a significant difference to their pond within two hours! It did this with ease! Feathers’ have a large scale farming operation near Taupo. The effluent from 2,000 cows is collected in the lined storage pond and pumped to pasture using a progressive cavity pump.

The pond had an accumulation of sludge, and weeds were growing on the crust. In fact it was as green as the paddocks.

A Nevada Turbostir 7000 PTO stirrer with a liner protection kit was put to the test, and within minutes it was obvious it would work. By the end of the day the pond was thoroughly mixed and ready for pumping. Nevada recommends regular stirring. By decanting off the liquid without mixing, the sludge problem will be compounding. Regular mixing ensures all the nutrients reach the pasture for maximum return on investment.

  • 'At last…. A stirrer that works!'
    Marc Feather
    Feather Holdings, Wairarapa
Marc Feather Effluent Pond Before


Marc Feather Effluent Pond After


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