Slurry Tanker: Alan's Farm Is Now Odour Free!

Alan's keeping everyone happy with his improved effluent management...

Alan and Connie Bull have two dairy farms in the Kaiaua area, milking approximately 300 cows...

Alan's always been an advocate for utilising effluent for fertilisation, and he already had a small electric pumping system with irrigator set up to spread over the close paddocks.  The problem Alan wanted to solve was being able to spread over all the paddocks without it taking up too much time and labour.

Mike visited the Bull's farm to find a solution...

  • 'The pumping system Alan has set up works well for those closer paddocks, but with having two farms the best solution is to have a slurry tanker that can cart the effluent wherever it's needed. The auto-fill option makes the job a lot faster, easier and less messy, and the tanker's something anyone can operate as long as they can drive a tractor.'
    Michael Prestidge
    Effluent Management Specialist

The Nevada MB80 single axle slurry tanker is ideal for the farm's hilly terrain, and as an added bonus, the new tanker has solved some other issues too...

  • 'It makes a quick job of spreading to the other paddocks we weren't reaching before, but the thing I've really noticed is how little wind drift or smell there is. Now we can keep everyone happy!'
    Alan Bull
    Dairy Farmers, Kaiaua

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