In Kauru Hill, Omaru, Clyde and Jan run a 800 Jersey cow farm on an effective 340 hectares of gentle rolling countryside, 100 to 140 metres elevation, in the foothills of the Kakanui ranges.
Previously effluent handling was managed using a three pond and travelling irrigator system, comprising of: a stone trap; main settlement pond and a concrete cone pond - from which the irrigators were pump fed from a floating inlet. The irrigators provided a total available spread area of approximately 30 hectares. This method was at risk of failing to be compliant as stock numbers have increased from 350 cows.
Clyde and Jan purchased a 14,700 litre Nevada slurry tanker with a RainWave™ spreader attachment and a PTO slurry stirrer (Turbostir 6000).
Clyde contacted Nevada for advice on transforming their system into something futureproofed and council compliant. Their new effluent system still uses the existing stone trap which feeds to the main settlement pond. The main pond has the capacity to retain about a month’s effluent. This is usually kept at around half full to provide freeboard for rain and times when conditions are unsuitable for spreading. Clyde has retained the standing concrete cone pond solely as a redundant back up.
Clyde manages spreading areas using GPS on board his tractor.