Electric Pond Stirrer: Ricky's Pond Crust Gets Obliterated!

Ricky's results are a testament to the difference the right pond stirrer makes...

Ricky Watson runs a dairy farm at Rakaia with his effluent management system centering around a 1.5m litre concrete tank...

Initially Ricky placed a floating stirrer with vertical shaft in the tank which he purchased as it was known to have low power requirements. However he found it needed to be run constantly.  After 3 or 4 years of running the vertical stirrer, the massive crust that had accumulated on the pond said it all, and Ricky conceded the stirrer simply wasn't working.

After contacting Nevada, Lloyd visited the farm and recommended Ricky install a Nevada electric stirrer for a couple of reasons...

  • 'A shore mounted horizontal stirrer is always going to be more efficient than a vertical stirrer. Think of it like stirring a bath. If you're thrusting downward, you lose the stirring action and only creating a swirl in one patch. A horizontal action enables a much larger area to be mixed. Also the Typhoon propellor is specially designed so there's no splashing, making it more effective at churning through crust and thick slurries, and a more efficient use of power.'
    Lloyd Thomas
    Nevada Effluent Management Specialist

So Ricky took the plunge and installed a Nevada EL710 stirrer.  Fast forward 18 months, and the difference is like chalk and cheese.  Now Ricky just turns the stirrer on an hour before pumping and he comes back to an evenly mixed tank.

  • 'The stirrer is awesome. I had a massive crust when it went in, but not anymore. Best thing ever. It's perfect. Wish I bought one sooner!'
    Ricky Watson
    Dairy Farmer, Rakaia

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