Bruce Luxford is a ‘do it once, do it right’ kind of dairy farmer, so when he contacted Nevada about a greenwater floodwash system he wanted all the boxes ticked for the entire effluent system…
The hills over Bruce’s South Waikato dairy farm looked lush and green when Mike arrived for an assessment. Before delving into discussions around the greenwater floodwash it was important to check the rest of the effluent system was up to scratch with local council compliance measures and futureproofed.
As it turned out, Bruce had outgrown his old effluent pond and needed more capacity. Since it was going to be easier to dig a new pond rather than increase the size of the old one, Bruce took the opportunity to get a larger lined pond dug in a better location, and Mike helped him find the ideal positioning in an area with good clay soil.
Running an underground system pumping out to a Greenback travelling irrigator it was important Bruce have a good stirrer and pump. Having a thicker slurry from high fibre inputs, and a new large 4-metre-deep pond, the Nevada EL9 Electric Stirrer would provide plenty of power and efficiency for the job.
Bruce also opted to upgrade his pump from a floating centrifugal, to a shore mounted progressive cavity (PC) pump for safety, convenience, and improved performance.
The old pump won’t be going to waste and will instead be re-purposed for use with the greenwater floodwash system.
With his new system now all up and running, Bruce is more than happy, and especially impressed with the stirrer…