Flood pumps are becoming the new norm as farmers experience more extreme weather events that threaten operations. By all accounts the wild weather is here to stay, so there’s no time like the present to get prepared, rather than get caught out. Simply put, flood pumps are becoming one of those things you can’t afford not to have.
While Councils often have systems in place to reduce flooding, these systems shouldn’t be relied upon. We often hear of farmers experiencing flooding from heavy rain, but it hasn’t been enough to trigger the council system to start running. Increasing weather events and budget restrictions mean councils are not always able to maintain or upgrade these systems to the level required. So it’s best to be proactive when it comes to ensuring your farm isn’t left underwater for days on end.
If your land is prone to flooding, a flood pump is a good investment. All it takes is 100mm of water on 1ha of land to make 1000mᶾ, and there’s no other pump like a flood pump for moving large volumes of water fast. Neighbouring farms often share the same flooding issues, so some farmers like to share in the investment.
Flood pumps are also something many contractors are investing in seeing as flooding is becoming a more frequent issue. Using your local contractor is a good option for unusual weather events, however if flooding is likely to be an ongoing issue, there’s never a better time than NOW to get yourself sorted.